Book Crisis!!

I am having such a book crisis right now. I'm not sure what to classify it has. It kind of like a book slump. My problem isn't that I can't focus and read it's just that I don't if that makes sense. I want to read a lot but I just can't seem to find the effort. When I read I'm enjoying what I'm reading but I feel like it's taking me forever to get through something. I don't know why I can't seem to just get through one book. It's been three weeks (as of tomorrow when I post this) since I've finished a full book. I've started many books since then and I've really loved them but I can't seem to push through this issue. I have tried many different solutions: re-reading a favorite book, watching TV, writing, and trying many different books. I don't know what's wrong. I really hope this goes away soon because it's getting frustrating for me. 

My Struggle Through This:

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3


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