Stranger Things Book Tag! 

(Source: Sarah Sunbeemz)

I watched Stranger Things and like most shows I watch I like to do the book tags so when I saw that this was a tag I just had to do it.

1: EPIC INTRO – The opening of Stranger Things is amazing and really grabs your attention. Name a book that grabbed you attention from the first page. 

A book that grabbed my attention from the first page (at least recently) has to be November 9 by Colleen Hoover. The first sentence wasn't anything special or something that immediately made me want to watch them all. The thing is, though, I read the first page. Then the next, and the next. Before I knew it I was finishing the book. 

2: Dungeons & Dragons – Name a fantasy world you would like to experience yourself.

One of the many, many fantasy worlds I'd like to live in is the world of The Lunar Chronicles. I've only read the first one but the world just seems amazing! I loved Cinder and the mix of robots and humans.

3: Squad Goals – When Eleven met Mike, Dustin and Lucas is was a "mostly" perfect team. Name your favorite bookish group of friends. 

Of course, my favorite squad is the group from the ever popular Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare. That's not a surprise to anyone is you've been here for an extended period of time. It's my favorite series of all time. Magnus being my favorite (#1). 

4: ABC's & Christmas Lights – Joyce Byers goes mad with grief after Will goes missing. Name your favorite mentally unhinged character. 

My favorite mentally unhinged character is obviously Joe from You and Hidden Bodies, I've talked about Joe before and he is so creepy! He's a stalker who I've come to love and hate but I'm completely entranced by his story and can't wait for the next book.

5: The Upside Down – Name a book that was that opposite of what you expected.

Ooooohh! A book that wasn't what I expected?.... That would be The Butterfly Garden by Dot Hutchinson. I had no idea what the story was about going into it. I got an E-ARC. Ever since I've read it I haven't forgotten about the characters and how haunting it is. It was the opposite what I thought but in the best way possible.

6: Mad Scientists – Dr. Brenner like to get freak with humanity. Name the freakiest dystopian government you can think of.

The freakiest dystopian government that I've ever read so far is definitely Unwind by Neal Shusterman. If you don't know what the government does in that series they have the options for parents to give their children up to be harvested. The whole situation is absolutely terrifying! It makes a very compelling story, though.

7: Demogorgon – Name a scary bookish creature that you would not want to come through your walls. 

Oh gosh, I mean what monster do I not want to come through my about all of them?? The real main monster I would not want coming through my walls would probably have to be anything that comes out of the maze in The Maze Runner series. This is especially true with the Grievers. Those things are terrifying!!

8: Cliffhanger Ending – Name a book that left you wanting more. 

Now for this, I thought about it a lot and I wanted to choose a book I haven't chosen before so I finally came up with one I don't talk about much: Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. If you've read this book or watched the movie then you know why I want more. It's not like it really ended off on a cliffhanger but I was just so confused and shocked I wanted to know what was going to happen next. 


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